Please make sure that your read the following terms and conditions carefully before you register for an account with or purchase any of the e-learning products available on www.pexxle.com. We are wholly owned by FELINE ROCK TECH LIMITED, which is located in Nigeria.

Registering for an account

In order to access the products on www.pexxle.com all customers will first need to register for an account. When you have an account, you will log-in to it each time you want to purchase or download any new business e-learning materials. Your account will also hold a record of all of the past purchases you’ve made, so you can keep track of your learning journey with us.

You will be required to enter some personal information when you register for an account. Before you do this, please make sure that you also read our privacy policy alongside these terms and conditions so that you are fully aware of all of our privacy practices.

Downloading e-learning materials

All of the content sold on www.pexxle.com is available to download in either an e-book, audiobook or video format. As soon as you have paid for the items that you have chosen, then an email will be sent to the address assigned to your account where you will be able to download the content. All of our courses and content are compatible with a wide range of devices. Downloading speeds may vary depending on the file size of the content, so please make sure that you have a solid internet connection before attempting to download any large files, particularly with our video courses.


All payments are processed securely on www.pexxle.com using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology. Once your payment has been received in full then you will be emailed your product where you will be able to download and save it. All of the prices for our various products vary, and these will be made clear in the e-learning library as well as in your final invoice which will also be sent to the email address associated with your account.

When your payment has been processed then PEXFRT, NIGERIA. will appear on your bank statement as the billing descriptor line.

All customers will be required to pay the balance in full for all of their chosen courses before these will be emailed out to clients.


In the event that something has gone wrong with your order, for example if you have been sent the wrong product or the download link has been corrupted then you may ask for a refund or for a new link to be sent to you. We do not offer refunds on purchased goods unless you are able to explain to us in writing why there has been an issue. When refunds are accepted, then the monies originally paid will be re-imbursed back into the account which originally made a payment. All refund requests need to be received by us within 10 working days of the content being downloaded.

Terminations and cancellations

Customers may cancel or terminate their account with us at any time by changing their information and preferences in their account information. It is helpful for us for clients to communicate in writing why they have decided to terminate their account, but this is optional.

In the event that we suspect that any of our clients are in violation of any of these terms and conditions then we may choose to suspend or terminate their account immediately and without prior warning.

Digital Content Usage Rights

Customers will have a license to view all downloaded content as soon as we have received and processed payment. This license is for the customer to view the content which they have purchased from www.pexxle.com for their own personal use only. It is not permitted to share any of the e-learning materials more widely, including on company intranets.

Customers are also not permitted to modify any of the content which they purchase on www.pexxle.com for any other reason other than for their own personal use.


The website www.pexxle.com does not accept any liability for any potential loses of earnings experienced through our learning materials. Our e-learning materials are intended as a reference and for personal use only.


You agree to defend and hold harmless the website www.pexxle.com its employees, accessors, agents, officers and directors, from and against all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, costs or debts as well as expenses (including any legal fees) which result or arise from your use and access of this service or a breach of these terms and conditions.

Changes to these terms and conditions

We reserve the right to modify or update these terms and conditions at any time. In order to ensure that you are familiar with the latest version of these terms and conditions, please make sure that you check back to this page on www.pexxle.com regularly. If any major updates have been made to these terms and conditions, then these will be posted for your reference at the top of this page.

Contact us

If you have any questions about these terms and conditions then please get in touch with us and someone will come back to you as soon as possible.

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