At we are committed to protecting and safeguarding all of the personal information that we may collect from our customers throughout the course of our business. This privacy policy has been published to inform you of the ways in which we may collect, use and store your personal data. Please make sure you read it carefully before registering for an account with or using or downloading any of the e-learning materials made available on We are wholly owned by FELINE ROCK TECH LIMITED, which is located in Nigeria.

We may update this privacy policy from time to time, so please make sure that you check back to this page regularly to ensure that you are using the latest version.

Information we collect

We may collect the following information about customers when they use the website

Why do we collect this information?

The website collects this information from customers in order to provide them with the products and services they have requested, specifically downloading e-learning materials. We may also use this information in some of the other following ways:

Storing personal data

When customers provide with their personal data, then they also give us the consent to store their personal data, such as when they may register for an account with us. at we will always take all reasonable measures to ensure that this information has been stored securely. However, we would like to remind our customers that no transmission of information over the internet can ever be deemed as 100 per cent safe. We therefore can not guarantee the entire security and safeguarding of all information which has been sent to us. All customers must acknowledge that when they send personal information to they are doing so entirely at their own risk. Please be advised that we do not store or share any financial information with anyone.

Disclosing personal data

We will not disclose any of your personal information to anyone, including to any third parties, in any ways other than the ways which have already been outlined in this privacy policy. The only times where we may have to share some of your information would be if any of the following events were to occur:


On we use cookies and other similar technologies in order to personalise the website experience as well as tailor and measure any website improvements. Cookies do not store or access any of your personal information, however if you prefer not to have cookies enabled then you can change the preferences in your chosen web browser.

Under 18s

The website and its e-learning materials are suitable for purchase from those aged 18 and over only. We do not knowingly conduct business or collect any personal information from anyone under the age of 18.

Your rights

Under the rules and regulations of the GDPR all website visitors have the following rights with regards to their data:

Get in touch

If you have any further questions please get in touch with us.

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