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The Secrets of Facebook Retargeting


Retargeting on Facebook is one of the most effective ways to reach a customer base and to make sales.

Retargeting allows you to advertise to customers who have previously engaged with your brand.

There’s much more to be gained from retargeting than just reaching out to the customers who have already engaged with you.

Retargeting can actually help you to build your familiarity, brand awareness, and so much more.

With this ebook you will:

The power of retargeting
How to use retargeting to strengthen brand
How retargeting can help you establish familiarity
How retargeting can work with a mailing list for even greater results
Using retargeting with a larger campaign for even greater benefits
How to create a Facebook campaign that will address your audience

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38.99 GBP

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38.99 GBP

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A Double line Product Title

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38.99 GBP

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